Foreign Policy Blogs

Mexico Today Social Magazine

Mexico Today, an outfit I’m proud to write for, just launched a great new interactive magazine for anyone looking to share experiences about Mexico. Right now the Mexico Today Social Magazine on Facebook is dominated by content from leading Mexico bloggers, covering such diverse topics as tortillas, infrastructure projects, and architecture. So if you’d like to take a gander, please do so.

But that’s really just the beginning. The social magazine aims to draw a larger community, evolving into a dynamic online publication. This pushes the envelope of what is possible on Faceboook. The intent is to create a grassroots movement by allowing submissions from those who are interested in Mexico’s culture, the Mexican economy, Mexico’s environment and more.

The Magazine accepts not only short links, but also longer blog posts.

Mexico Today Social Magazine



Sean Goforth

Sean H. Goforth is a graduate of the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill and the School of Foreign Service at Georgetown University. His research focuses on Latin American political economy and international trade. Sean is the author of Axis of Unity: Venezuela, Iran & the Threat to America.