Foreign Policy Blogs

Dossyz omir bos: Without friends, the world is empty-

Hello, Central Asia Watchers, and welcome!  This quotation comes from the Say It In Kazakh Web page of the Kazakhstan Embassy to the United States and Canada.

Click here for a table of Central Asia Flash Facts; go to the “Worth Reading” Page of this blog for a kind of running bibliography of non-Internet source material.

The first week or so on the Central Asia Web log ("blog") for the Foreign Policy Association will be devoted to new Central Asian developments paired with significant Background Information, for those of you that might be newly interested in this important and fascinating region.  One intermittent series of posts, starting this week, will look at Kazakhstan's very active First Family.

The Foreign Policy Association has dedicated certain months to each issue area covered in the Great Decisions series for 2007.  Therefore I will also be posting with emphasis on children's issues, migration, and other of these issues, and may draw your attention to great entries in other FPA Web logs that relate to Central Asia and its many, interesting concerns.

Also, for those of you who unfailingly count down the minutes to the weekend, I'll be including an intermittent "Casual Friday"‚ because not everything that is important about Central Asia is included in international relations theory or economics . . . . some of the most important aspects of Central Asia are cultural‚ cuisine, dress, manners, jokes, literature, fine and applied arts, and architecture‚ that which makes us happy, elevates us, and sustains friendships in an otherwise empty world.

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