Foreign Policy Blogs

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On Tik Tok and the Value of Taking Things Slowly…

On Tik Tok and the Value of Taking Things Slowly… Young people have been paying attention to Tik Tok for a long time… lawmakers are rushing to catch up. There are two main reasons why Tik Tok has become increasingly controversial. First, because Tik Tok’s parent company has strong ties to the Chinese government- this presents a privacy risk for Americans who wish to avoid […]

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Why Gorbochev’s Nobel Peace Prize should be rescinded

Why Gorbochev’s Nobel Peace Prize should be rescinded

When we think of Nobel Peace Prize winners, we imagine individuals working towards a different reality: a better future. A person receiving the Nobel Peace Prize has dedicated years to promoting peace between nations or peoples. This is a person who has contributed to the signing of peace agreements or at least fought against societal […]

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Can Azerbaijan mend Turkish-Israeli relations?

Can Azerbaijan mend Turkish-Israeli relations?

It’s never pleasant for anyone to be caught in the middle between two friends who don’t get along and frequently argue with each other. It’s uncomfortable when you’re a child, it’s awkward when you’re an adult, and it becomes even more problematic when you’re a country that must protect its citizens from the threats of […]

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The First Round

The First Round

With the beginning of 2025 bringing in a new American administration, the effects of the new policy regime is eliciting reactions towards the great weight of American pressure on different parts of the world. The new test on the seriousness of America First policies may be seen as a trap by some or as empty […]

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Asymmetric Eruption

Asymmetric Eruption

The new year is one that will give change to how conflicts are conducted on the world stage. As discussed previously, the War in Ukraine over the last few years has created a deficit in military equipment. The old Soviet arsenal has been sourced to such a great degree that Cold War stocks are being […]

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The Looming Tariffs

The Looming Tariffs

In an effort to throw away the carrots and invest in new sticks, the new American administration has decided to use the economic and political weight of the United States to address non-trade policies with many of its traditional economic allies. One of the most notable instances of this strategy was used to encourage NATO […]

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The Re-Introduction of Ranged Ballistic Missiles

The Re-Introduction of Ranged Ballistic Missiles

The War in Ukraine has done more to deplete Cold War military stockpiles than any other event during and since the Cold War, including weather and rust. The dwindling numbers of tanks, troop carriers and artillery pieces litter the woods and fields of Ukraine, being disabled and destroyed by new simple drones and old artillery […]

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Israeli Ambassador notes blossoming Azerbaijani-Israeli ties

Israeli Ambassador notes blossoming Azerbaijani-Israeli ties

In recent days, the Israeli Ambassador to Azerbaijan George Deek gave an interview to the Azerbaijani media, where he proclaimed that the friendship between Israel and Azerbaijan is blossoming: “Israel was among the first countries to recognize the independence of Azerbaijan; I think we were seventh. Since that day, we’ve had 32 years of a […]

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Climate Justice an Imperative for Colonized Regions

Climate Justice an Imperative for Colonized Regions

As we speak, millions of people who live in the Global South are experiencing the harsh reality of climate change, even though it was the Global North who disproportionately caused the problem.   Since the Industrial Revolution in the late 1700s, human beings have been the primary drivers of changes in the Earth’s climate. Countries that […]

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The 2025 Wars

The 2025 Wars

An analysis of Ukraine’s air defence successes and limitation was published detailing the effectiveness of Ukraine and its allies’ air defense capabilities against many generations and types of Russian and former Soviet missile systems. Despite the unexpected limited success rate of Ukraine’s supported air defense and considering the idea that intercepting high speed ballistic missiles […]

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Former and current colonial powers battling it out over the fate of the Middle East

Former and current colonial powers battling it out over the fate of the Middle East

Macron’s call for an arms embargo on Israel and his unequivocal defense of the UNIFIL corps in Lebanon which since October 7 has taken no action to stop Hezbollah’s unprovoked attacks on Israeli civilians, benefits only Iran. This follows a pattern of similar statements, seemed designed to whitewash Tehran’s colonialist hand in the region; previously […]

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COP29 Should Not Be Politicized

COP29 Should Not Be Politicized

As the international community prepares for COP29, the focus should be how the world plans to address the global climate change crisis and there should be no distractions from this important goal.    As we speak, nearly three billion people face water scarcity across the planet. In the Middle East, this water scarcity is acutely felt, as […]

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The growing threat of nuclear escalation in Ukraine-Russia conflict

The growing threat of nuclear escalation in Ukraine-Russia conflict

During a conference at the Paris Business School on October 30th , 2024, prominent experts and politicians gathered to discuss the growing threat of nuclear escalation in the ongoing conflict between Ukraine and Russia. Amid increasing concerns over the worsening geopolitical tensions, attendees warned of the risk of nuclear war between NATO and Russia, with […]

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The Radar War

The Radar War

A phenomenon was noticed during the Second World War that certain shapes affected the ability for early radar to detect aircraft. When considering the material of the aircraft, it was also noticed that non-metallic materials like wood added to the reduced detection by radar. While this effect was not utilised in any major way until […]

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Swiss Peace Forum on Karabakh Must Be Two-Sided

Swiss Peace Forum on Karabakh Must Be Two-Sided

It was recently reported in the media that Switzerland seeks to hold a Peace Forum on Karabakh, which will discuss the plight of the Armenians who left their homes after the Second Karabakh War and the subsequent military operation.   According to the reports, the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Swiss Federal Assembly passed a resolution […]

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Notes on the THAAD System

Notes on the THAAD System

After over 500 ballistic missiles demonstrated a historic threat to city centres and thoroughly established a Causus Belli, the United States’ responded to future threats by erecting a THAAD site in the Middle East. In past conflicts, a significantly smaller SCUD threat in the 1991 Gulf War was a large factor in establishing a coalition […]

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Girl in a jacket

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Foreign Policy Blogs is a network of global affairs blogs and a supplement to the Foreign Policy Association’s Great Decisions program. Staffed by professional contributors from the worlds of journalism, academia, business, non-profits and think tanks, the FPB network tracks global developments on many topics of interest, daily. The FPB network is a production of the Foreign Policy Association.