Foreign Policy Blogs

Stop Getting Lost in Details

During the past few days I have had the chance to meet very interesting individuals. As soon as WSN [World Security Network] publishes the interviews I will add the links here. One of the things that I observed is that in Lebanon people always talk of details, of fixing this issue, fixing that issue, and rarely, if ever, do I hear of a strategy, of a vision to tackle the most pressing problems.

For example, the headlines today in the Arabic and English language local press were about the delay to appoint the army commander. Do not get me wrong. This is a very important matter and it should be kept away from both politics and headlines. You need a man able to do the job period. Instead, what we have is a list with several names, and this General is close to Hizballah, the other one to Amal, another one is close to March 14, to Hariri and you get the point. That should be irrelevant. Do you choose the army commander to be this or that party puppet or to lead the army?! What is this nonsense everyone included myself talked about for days now?

President Michel Sleiman will soon convene the national dialog session where the national defence strategy is going to be discussed. Meaning that Hizballah's arms will be discussed. Briefly put: 1) Hizballah is not going to disarm.  2) Through the cabinet statement [read paragraph 24] Hizballah has been given the right – or it has taken it into its hands – to continue on the path of resistance, and further more, it has the legitimate cover to liberate the Shebaa, the Kfar Shouba hills.

If you allow me to ask, what in God's name is there to further discuss? To ask them, pretty please don't repeat your 2006 July adventure? OK. That may be it.

On a more serious note, depending on which faction from Hizballah [we may not see it in the press, but there is diversity of views and allegiance in Hizballah, as in any other party / movement / group] has the ascendant, in time, it is possible to see them taking small, baby steps towards a closer relationship with the army, some sort of coordination, and in God knows how many years, Hizballah might take us all by surprise and announce that its guerrilla fighters will take seriously the citizenship they carry, and they will be part of the army. This can also be wishful thinking, but what is life without hope?

However, for that to happen, the state has to be present in the Shia areas. Hizballah took over the places that the state ignored. Pure and simple.

Nabih Berri asked for a special session of the Parliament to discuss the economical aspects. Finally someone understands that the political games behind, under, above the curtain will always be here, but meanwhile this country has to be [well] administered. You cannot keep on feeding people with stupid propaganda when they have no electricity, huge bills, sewer, water problems etc.

As someone told me today, management is one thing and politics another one. Keep them separated and do your job. The MPs have to work for the sake of all, and each of them for the constituency they are part of.

I look forward to the day when MP X goes to his home town and in the press conference instead of talking of Sheikh Nasrallah, Hariri, Jumblatt etc X talks about the development of the town, how Z number of roads are now in good condition, about the medium and small businesses that just opened there, and so on.

The irony is that Lebanon can do extremely well on all levels. One small example. There are so many wealthy Lebanese living abroad that could invest in their home country. The state needs to be serious about lobbying in this direction, offering them a chance to do something good for the country.

Integrate the Lebanese into Lebanon.

I am not talking only about the diaspora. All Lebanese deserve to be part of this huge mechanism, and frankly speaking, if and when that happens, the road blocks, the tanks [they are really old and look like they’ve just got out of the museum, unfortunately], the army men I see everywhere, the many weapons that get into the country will have no purpose.

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