Foreign Policy Blogs

Two Guantanamo Developments

First, a recent order directing that a group of Uighur detainees at Guantanamo be released into the continental United States has been placed on hold by the DC Circuit Court of Appeals pending a government appeal. Lyle Denniston provides the hold order, from a three-judge panel of the Court, in this post, summarizing the case.

The DC Circuit's order sets out an expedited schedule for briefs and argument, and sets oral argument for Monday, November 24. The detainees are seeking reconsideration before an en banc panel of the full Circuit Court of Appeals.

Also, the AP reports that war crimes charges were dropped today against five detainees. The detainees assert that the charges were dropped as a result of allegations by a prosecutor who has since resigned that the detainees were being denied access to exculpatory evidence in violation of Brady v. Maryland.

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