Foreign Policy Blogs

Gaza, Syria, the Economy and CNN

While Israel asserts a victory in Operation Cast Lead, the state lost a number of intelligence agents in the conflict. Due to the use of intelligence to focus attacks and prevent civilian casualties, the loss of these individuals could result in increased death tolls in the event of another strike. Meanwhile, even though Israel failed to free abducted soldier Gilad Shalit, Turkish officials continued negotiations with Hamas to ensure his release.

Senators John Kerry and Arlen Specter head to Damascus next month to test the waters on both the resumption of the Israel-Syria peace process and whether Syria would distance itself from Iran.

Hamas and Fatah officials met in Cairo to discuss Egyptian efforts for the formation of a national unity government. The process would create five separate committees on the PLO, government, elections, security, elections, and good will, with the latter based on repairing image divisions between the two factions. Similarly, the State Department put out a release yesterday supporting a Gaza relief conference slated for early next month in Cairo.

Meanwhile, investment giant Merrill Lynch fears a Likud-led government could sink the value of the Shekel due to a potentially unstable and fragile coalition.

For Israeli readers relegated to watching the only American news channel available on cable, Fox News, HOT intends  to change its programming and return CNN to the line-up.

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