Foreign Policy Blogs

Convergence – Are the Cognoscenti Starting to Get It?

Tom Friedman, a High Panjandrum of the Cognoscenti, has a column today that indicates that his sense of the dire pass into which this civilization of ours has fallen is growing.  I’ve written about Galloping Consumption and I’ve noted, here, that one important commentator, Bill McKibben, has taken Friedman to school on his Green Fantasia.

In his column, Friedman references an Australian environmental business expert, Paul Gilding, who warns of a moment “…when both Mother Nature and Father Greed have hit the wall at once – ‘The Great Disruption.'”  We have been gorging on credit, not only from the banks and not-a-few hucksters, but also from Gaia.  We have leveraged ourselves well beyond our immediate ability to meet our obligations to the planet.

Friedman quotes Glenn Prickett, senior vice president at Conservation International:  “‘Just as a few lonely economists warned us we were living beyond our financial means and overdrawing our financial assets, scientists are warning us that we’re living beyond our ecological means and overdrawing our natural assets.'”  You got that right.  “But, he cautioned, as environmentalists have pointed out: ‘Mother Nature doesn’t do bailouts.'”

But at least some of the economic stimulus packages around the world are driving toward sustainability.  As I noted here the other day, South Korea has the highest percentage of green stimulus in its plans – 81%.  Friedman puts it this way:  “South Korea’s new national paradigm for development is called: ‘Low carbon, green growth.’ Who knew?”

We, the environmentalists,  have known for quite some time, Tom, for your information.  I’m glad that someone whose bully pulpit is so important is helping to promulgate the message.

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