Foreign Policy Blogs

If the Entertainment Industry Ruled the World


Nigeria recently surpassed the United States as the world’s second largest film industry behind India. Bollywood produces the most movies in the world, followed by Nollywood and Hollywood. According to research conducted by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), however, “US movies continue to dominate cinema admissions around the world.” In some ways the projection of culture both impacts global influence and reflects relative power, but only to a limited degree.

On a similar note, American media companies are increasingly shifting their attention from China to India. After years of trying to establish a noticeable presence in China, “many companies have been pulling back out of frustration over censorship, piracy, strict restrictions on foreign investment and the glacial pace of its bureaucracy.”

Photo from Monopole-PathÈ/Photofest. Hat tip from Joshua Keating/FP Passport and John Boonstra/UN Dispatch.

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