Foreign Policy Blogs

Is California changing its tune on offshore drilling?

In a move that went widely unreported last week, California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger unveiled a plan that would allow additional drilling within state waters in an attempt to help ease California’s fiscal troubles. California had banned new exploration activity within state waters (an area that roughly extends nine miles from the coast) since the 1969 spill in Santa Barbara — although there has been ongoing production in existing sites within state boundaries.

This proposal, like the previous one in Florida, is all about money as the states grapple with budget shortfalls. California expects the legislation could bring in over $1.8 billion over time. The proposals also show how quickly two states which were adamant against lifting the drilling moratorium in federal waters less than a year ago could change their opinion.

California’s decision to allow offshore drilling would be a boon to the exploration industry, especially if the state supported opening up federal areas beyond state waters. Those regions have substantial proven reserves: roughly 2/3 of all proven supplies on the US’s outer continental shelf.

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