Foreign Policy Blogs

T twenty win & Obama's interview!

Good news – Pakistan won the T twenty tournament by defeating Sri Lanka in the final last night in England. Wow, what a match, and what a tournament for Pakistan. The country needed something big, something spectacular, and this victory did just that. It indeed boosted Pakistan’s moral and it is going to bring the nation together at a critical time when the nation needs unity. A very good win against a very strong team and Pakistan’s side deserves all the credit for their superb performance.

First time in history, a US President granted an interview to a Pakistani paper.  It was another pleasant surprise yesterday and President Obama was gracious, detailed and careful about talking about Pak-US relationship. I don’t know what prompted Obama to grant this interview, but it was a great effort by Obama to reach out to Pakistan. The White House should get great credit for this gesture. Thank you Mr. Obama!

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