Foreign Policy Blogs

Russian PR

After a few weeks away, I thought this story would be a good re-entry to the world of Rising Powers.

In America, a flailing economy and falling approval ratings for the President lead to an intricate campaign to reassure citizens of financial growth, long term stability and national robustness.  President Obama holds a meeting with cheap beer to resolve a racial dispute.  Government officials are held accountable for all expenses in a culture of strict accountability.

So what do you do in Russia in a massive economic meltdown stemming from still-low oil prices?

Putin just takes his shirt off and all is right with the world.

Foreign Policy today featured several shirtless photos of the former President and current Prime Minister on vacation in Siberia.

Putin’s current approval ratings are at 78%, quite high considering the host of internal issues the Russian government is struggling with.

The key for the Russian government: keep Putin posing.

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