Foreign Policy Blogs

Jailed Newsweek Reporter Maziar Bahari Released

According to confirmed reports from Newsweek, their own reporter and filmmaker, Maziar Bahari, has been released from Iran. Mr. Bahari, who was detained in Iran since the June elections, was released from Evin Prison on bail on Oct. 17.

Read the Newsweek online article about Bahari’s release here

The 42 year-old reporter is expecting his first child later this month, and his mother is in poor health. Newsweek speculated he was released on “humanitarian” reasons.

In a statement on Bahari’s release, the magazine said:

“We are relieved that NEWSWEEK journalist Maziar Bahari is home with his family today. We would like to thank all of those who supported Maziar through this long and uncertain period.”

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