Foreign Policy Blogs

The Onion on US Policy in Afghanistan: Funny, But Too Close for Comfort

The hilarious fake newspaper The Onion has a breaking news story….”US Continues Quagmire-Building Effort in Afghanistan

Though I can normally read Onion pieces and just let myself go and enjoy the hysterical satire, but I couldn’t quite relax fully while reading this one.  Here’s an excerpt:

“We’ve spent a lot of time and money fostering the turmoil and despair necessary to make this a sustaining quagmire, and we’re not going to stop now,” President Barack Obama said in a national address Monday night. “It won’t be easy, but with enough tactical errors on the ground, shortsighted political strategies, and continued ignorance of our vast cultural differences, we could have a horrific, full-fledged quagmire by 2012.”

Added Obama, “Together, we can make Afghanistan into a nightmarish hell-scape Americans will regret for generations to come.”

This is witty stuff, but I think the constant flow of negative news regarding the situation in the country, which is before my eyes on a daily basis, has made me unable to separate myself from the real situation.  And I’m safe in the United States!  What do you think?

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