Foreign Policy Blogs

Loose Tweets Sink Fleets

"Great kegger on the USSKH! 22.295, 114.17 #usn #loc"

"Great kegger on the USSKH! 22.295, 114.17 #usn #loc"

The Pentagon just opened the floodgates to social networking in the military. (Wired writeup; DOD policy memo.)

Given the ubiquity of Facebook today and the average age of active-duty military, this is inevitable.

The increase of such technologies goes a long way to make home feel closer. A friend on a Fulbright in Bulgaria has commented on feeling connected to her close friends at home thanks to social networking and instant messenger. That would be a huge boon for troop morale.

Scaaary opportunity for open-source intel, though. A cute (if alarming) example: Please Rob Me, a web site listing all the folks who recently tweeted that they are not at home.

No hacking needed: you have people volunteering gobs and gobs of useful information. All the interested parties have to do is watch.

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