Foreign Policy Blogs

Pakistani American's Failed Bombing

Another lunatic tried unsuccessfully to explode a bomb in New York. Thank God he failed, but his failure has left all of us thinking, once again, what the heck is going on?

As for as we know,  the alleged Times Square bomber Faisal Shahzad had no reason to kill innocent civilians, but after his arrest, we now know that this man in Connecticut tried to inflict pain and suffering on American citizens.

 We are all glad that he was arrested before he could flee and now, hopefully, he will pay for his monstrous scheme.  

But, I must come back to my why. Why are young men from Muslim countries trying to kill others? This is a life and death issue and we will have to come together to find an answer for this complex question.

About two weeks ago, 60 Minutes profiled a young British male who became a fanatic jihadist and while in prison in Egypt, he came to his senses, gave up jihad and now, he is on a mission to fight back against Islamofascists trying to use Islam as a tool to justify beheadings, mass killings, and terrorism. We could, and actually, we should look towards him guidance in this battle against the fanatic jihadists. 

Particularly worried should be the Muslim community in North America because after a while, American (and Canada) would start suspecting that all Muslims here are ticking time bombs. So far, our hosts have been gracious, understanding and superbly tolerant despite repeated attempts by ordinary middle class naturalized American Muslims’ attempts to hurt and harm the United States of America.

If Muslims in North America are unable to come together and decisively take a clear stand against all forms of terrorism perpetrated or idolized by Muslim youth without any ifs and buts, , our next generation will pay the prize for our negligence and denial. Also, not only Muslims (and of course Pakistanis) in America would find themselves totally alienated from rest of the world, they would also every opportunity open and available to them today, be it business or employment. 

I appreciate all the statements made by the Muslims in America, but it is time to do more – issuing press releases in not enough. It is time to act and act realistically.

So, is there any end to this? Sadly, no, there is no reason to believe that this trend of Muslims feeling alienated is not going anywhere. Similarly, there is no evidence that suggests that this false sense of victimhood within the Muslim community is evaporating. let us hope and pray that Muslims, or at least those who consider themselves to be victims come to their senses.

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