Foreign Policy Blogs

The Cycling InfoLadies of Bangladesh Bring Information to Far Flung Villages

One of the principal reasons that Bangladesh’s economic development has been so slow in coming and so meager upon arrival is that information hasn’t reached the poorer, farther flung, places in Bangladesh. Villages that do not have easy transport access (and therefore do not have information, publicly or privately bundled) do not enjoy their fair share of infrastructure allocation; their health outcomes and lifetime earnings quickly dwindle, relative to other better connected and supplied villagers.

Thus, the widening gap between those on the upswing in inequality indices far outpace their harder to reach neighbors, three villages down.

A group of women, through an NGO,  have  observed this trend and have taken matters into their own hands.  They are literally cycling information into hard to reach areas of Bangladesh.  Their contribution to the well-being of those villagers is nearly incalculable.

Watch the video below and marvel at their ingenuity and their import.

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