Foreign Policy Blogs

Happy Thanksgiving

Happy ThanksgivingToday Americans are sitting down for what is, for most, the biggest meal of the year, spending the day with family and friends to celebrate Thanksgiving. The day is one where we are able to escape the chaos that has become our everyday lives and take a moment to gather around tables covered in bountiful food and partake in traditions old and new. As you gather around your tables today, remember the true meaning of the day, and give thanks for all you have.  We are often consumed by what is missing in our lives and not what we have, so take the time to look around and see everything you have and what has made your life richer. Regardless of how full your plates or tables are, pause to remember that life’s richness comes from those who surround our tables and fill our lives.

All too often in the rush of our days we fail to see what is truly important in our lives. It has become almost a normal pastime to take our lives for granted, and rarely do we stop to look and see how lucky we really are. We fail to thank those who mean and do so much for us and let them know how important they are to us, how special and valued they are. Therefore today is a day of chances, of hope and thanks, and thus one hopes that today you hear and see the worth you give to others and thank them for what they give to you.

I too often forget how lucky I am, how wonderfully full my life is, and how rich I am thanks to the people that fill my life. Often I feel my plate is too full and burdensome, but when I stop and look I see that my table is bigger and I realize the heaviness of my daily plate is really not so full after all, but my life is just more complete. I know that even on my worst days, I am one of the lucky ones. I am thankful that I have been so blessed for all I have. I have learned that what I am most thankful for is not material, but the wealth of people and my experiences. I have been blessed to encounter so many people who have shown me nothing but strength and thanks in the face of adversity. Often when looking back you realize you must even give thanks for the struggles and hardships in your life, much of what you have would not be if not for them.

Take today to teach the children in your life the true meaning of Thanksgiving, and look to make everyday one when they give thanks. Thanksgiving is also the perfect time to begin looking at ways in which you can give back to the community. Can’t think of any? Stay tuned as I will be bringing you a list of ways you can help underprivileged children!

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