Foreign Policy Blogs

FPA’s Must Reads (October 31 – November 6)

North Korean leader Kim Jong Un seems more willing than his father to bring the hermit kingdom out of its shell (Photo: Rita Willaert via Flickr).

North Korean leader Kim Jong Un seems more willing than his father to bring the hermit kingdom out of its shell (Photo: Rita Willaert via Flickr).

The Ebola Wars
The New Yorker
By Richard Preston

From Sierra Leone to Harvard, the frontline of the war against Ebola is depicted as medical researchers try to uncover the genome of the virus ravaging West Africa. Their goal is to better understand the virus and how it is changing to beat the cure outbreak and prepare for the future.

How insects could feed the world
The Guardian
By Emily Anthes

Emily Anthes begins her article describing her Asian noodle stir fry with locusts in the Netherlands. She later explains how the idea of increasing the culinary appeal of insect cuisine could spark a movement to help provide food and nutrition to many parts of the world struggling with hunger.

A Tourist in North Korea
The Atlantic
By Kim Wall

Since Kim Jong Un came to power in 2011, North Korea has constructed several prestige projects to promote tourism, a surprising initiative for what some call the “hermit kingdom.” The Atlantic‘s Kim Wall takes readers on a guided tour of an alpine-designed ski slope with obvious European designs.

Chasing Bayla
The Boston Globe
By Sarah Schweitzer

A story told through Biologist Michael Moore’s chase to rescue a whale named Bayla shows the deep impact humans have had at driving North Atlantic whale populations close to the point of extinction and how some are hoping to reverse this trend through conservation.

The New Old-Fashioned Way
By Mick Ebeling

An excerpt from Mick Ebeling’s book on taking initiative yourself to take an active role in helping some of the worst crises on our planet. He recounts his trip to deliver prosthetic arms made from a 3D printer for a boy crippled by the ongoing violence in South Sudan.


Candid Discussions: Akin Ünver on Turkish Foreign Policy Challenges by Reza Akhlaghi
On cyber relations with China, restraint is the best approach by Enea Gjoza
ANALYSIS: Palestinian Authority Incitement behind Jerusalem Unrest by Rachel Avraham
MG William Rapp on the future of the Army War College by Sarwar Kashmeri
Whose Side is Turkey On? by Reza Akhlaghi

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