Foreign Policy Blogs

Omnibus bill passed… with Cuba provisions intact

Despite opposition from several prominent Republicans and two Democrats (Bill Nelson of Florida and Bob Menendez of New Jersey), this evening the Senate passed the $410 billion spending bill that included several Cuba provisions. The bill is on its way to the White House, where Obama has given every indication that he will sign it. The Administration has addressed the Cuba issue therein with typical caution. Through Timothy Geithner, the Administration assured the concerned Senators Nelson and Menendez that lifting a few restrictions on business with and family travel to Cuba would not amount to a reversal of the decades-old embargo policy. The same laws will remain in place, and “the representatives of only a narrow class of businesses would be eligible, under a new general license, to travel to Cuba.” Geithner has effectively promised the Senators to keep his own eye on the regulations and make sure that very little relaxation occurs. With that assurance, Nelson and Menendez finally gave their “ayes” and sent the omnibus bill on to President Obama.

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