Foreign Policy Blogs

A FRENCH politician says the EU & US need to work together!

When the French Finance Minister says that the EU needs to cooperate with the US,  that’s when you know the economic crisis is really devestating! Perhaps that’s a bit unfair to the French, as Ms. Christine Lagarde in part of the most pro-US Government  in French history, under Americophile President Sarkozy. But it would also be unfair to Ms. Lagarde who has spent years working in a US company before entering government. She made her remarks at her acceptance of the Transatlantic Business Award from American Chamber of Commerce. However, she probably did more for US perceptions of the Franch in her appearance on the Daily Show with Jon Stewart a number of months ago (it helps that her english is absolutely perfect).  In her award-acceptence, she stated that the EU & the US could share common ground on major economic issues and stated that ties had to rebuilt after a period of strain, much like a marriage.

 Christine Lagarde, French Finance Minister.

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