Foreign Policy Blogs

Online Magazine Determined to Change Middle East Coverage


Like a Silicon Valley tech upstart company that has shaken the status and market share of technology giants, Your Middle East, an online magazine with offices in Europe and the Middle East,  is bent on transforming the Middle East coverage in the media and, as a result, disrupting the way giants of mainstream media deliver news and analyses about the Middle East. An independent media organization that has “no strings attached to any external interests”, Your Middle East covers a wide array of topics from the region such as culture, travel, business, Op-Ed pieces, videos and even cool photos from ordinary people. It uses a growing network of over 200 correspondents throughout the region and beyond.

The magazine has recently launched a new campaign to spread the word about its independent coverage of the region. So far the campaign has been endorsed by influential figures in the media and won recognition within human rights circles. You can view the video campaign here.

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