Foreign Policy Blogs

This was originally intended to be a post, but it just grew and grew.  Collective security is so important to understanding Central Asian alliances, that I thought it deserved its own page.  General references are below, but some entries are linked directly.

Organizations cited:
CAC; CACO (sometimes OCAC); CAEC: these are now part of EurAsEc.
CIS; CIS-CST; CSTO: The Commonwealth of Independent States and the Collective Security Treaty Organization are still extant;
EurAsEC (sometimes EAEC): the Eurasian Economic Community;
NATO: the North Atlantic Treaty Organization;
OSCE: Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe;
SCO (sometimes Shanghai 5 or Shanghai 6): the Shanghai Cooperation Organization;
UN: the United Nations. 

I welcome any updates or corrections in the comments section. 

Format: Acronym–Date: what member states did and where.
[n.d.] means no date, which means I haven't found the date.
Some watershed events that are not directly related to Collective Security are also added in.  All these are right-justified.

CAC–n.d.: Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan form the Central Asian Commonwealth (later CAEC, CACO).

CIS–December 21: Eleven of the constituent nations of the Soviet Union meet and ten sign the CIS Charter in Alma-Ata, Kazakhstan.  Signatories include Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Moldova, Russia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, and Uzbekistan.   

OSCE–January 30: Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan accede to the Organization of Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE). 

OSCE–February 26: Tajikistan and Uzbekistan become signatories to the Helsinki Final Act.

UN–March 2: Kazakhstan, the Kyrgyz Republic, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan accede to the United Nations.

CIS-CST–May 15: Armenia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan sign the Treaty of forming the CIS-Collective Security Treaty of Tashkent, delineating mutual security obligations for five years (1994-1999).

OSCE–July 8: Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, and Turkmenistan become signatories to the Helsinki Final Act.

OSCE–September 23: Kazakhstan accedes to the Charter of Paris.

CIS-CST–September 24: Azerbaijan accedes to the CIS Treaty of Alma-Ata.

CIS-CES–September: CIS states sign Agreement on the Creation of Economic Union in order to form a Common Economic Space (CES).

OSCE–October 27: Uzbekistan accedes to the Charter of Paris.

CIS-CST–December 9: Georgia accedes to the CIS Treaty of Alma-Ata.

CIS-CST–December 31: Belarus accedes to the CIS Treaty of Alma-Ata.

CIS-CST–May 14: CIS-CST Treaty enters into force, bringing the CST into being.

CAC–Tajikistan, during its Civil War, self-suspends its membership in the Central Asian Commonwealth, a state of affairs that lasts until 1998 (war's end).

CAC, CAEC–Central Asian Economic Community (CAEC) created in 1994 as a successor to the Central Asian Commonwealth.

OSCE–Jun 3: Kyrgyzstan accedes to the Charter of Paris.

NATO, US–June: Comparative Nugget exercises held at Fort Polk, LA, USA with Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan.

NATO–August 1995: Cooperative Osprey operations was to improve the interoperability of participating nations and to train military personnel in peace support operations.

Shanghai 5–Heads of state of China, Russia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, and Tajikistan meet in Shanghai and sign the Treaty of Deepening Military Trust in Border Regions.  As the first meeting of the five heads of state took place in Shanghai, the cooperation mechanism was later known as the “Shanghai Five”.

NATO–August: The United States, the Netherlands, and Canada joined with 16 PfP nations, including Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, and Uzbekistan in training exercises in North Carolina.

Shanghai 5–June?: Heads of state of China, Russia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, and Tajikistan meet in Moscow and sign the Treaty on Reduction of Military Forces in Border Regions.

NATO, US–June – July 1997: Cooperative Nugget exercises were conducted at Fort Polk, Louisiana.   Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan participated.

NATO, UN–September: Centrazbat Military exercises held. Soldiers from the United States, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Georgia, Russia, Turkey, and Uzbekistan participated in the first set of exercises held in Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan.

GUAM–October 10, 1997: The states of Georgia, Ukraine, Azerbaijan, and Moldova attend a consultative meeting to develop the GUAM Consultative Forum.

Russian Financial Crisis

NATO, UN–September: Centrazbat ’98–Soldiers from Azerbaijan, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Turkey, the U.S. and Uzbekistan participate in Centrazbat ’98 military exercises held in Chirchik, Uzbekistan and Osh, Kyrgyzstan. NATO paid the $5 million in expenses for the training exercises. (The only reference to the expense of military training I have yet found).

1999: Romano Prodi becomes European Commission President

CIS-CST–April 2: Azerbaijan, Georgia, and Uzbekistan choose not to renew the CST Treaty.  Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, and Tajikistan signify their intent to remain in the renewed CST treaty.

January, 2000: George Bush II assumes U.S. Presidency
May 7, 2000: Vladimir Putin assumes Russian Federation Presidency

NATO–March, May: In March and May of 2000, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan participated in Cooperative Nugget exercises that took place in Germany and Colorado.

SCO– June?: Tajikistan invites Uzbekistan to attend the Shanghai 5 conference in Dushanbe, Tajikistan.

NATO–September 13: Centrazbat 2000 was held near Almaty, Kazakhstan.  Azerbaijan, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Mongolia, Russia, Turkey, the United Kingdom,  the U.S. and Uzbekistan participate in these military exercises.

EurAsEc–October 20: The Eurasian Economic Community is formed, consisting of Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, and Tajikistan.

September, 2001: Twin Towers Massacre in U.S.

NATO–March: Six NATO nations, including the United States, joined 13 PfP nations, including Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan, in training exercises held in Nova Scotia.

CACO, EurAsEc–May: The EuraSec treaty is ratified by the member governments, merging CACO into EurAsEc.  Its goal is to create a common customs union and economic community.

SCO–June 15: The SCO is officially founded by the “Shanghai Six”: China, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Russia Uzbekistan.

GUUAM–June 6: Georgia, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, Azerbaijan, and Moldova sign the GUUAM Charter in Yalta, which codifies the collective security arrangement.

2002: War in Afghanistan

CAEC, CACO–February 28: Out of the ashes of CAEC: The Treaty on the Establishment of the Central Asian Cooperation Organization (CACO) was signed on February 28, 2002 in the city of Almaty (Kazakhstan).

EurAsEc–May: Moldova and Ukraine become observer nations in EurAsEc.

CACO–October 5: At the Dushanbe Summit, CACO member-states decide to revise the documents on the Central Asian integration (243 pieces) that had been adopted earlier.

CACO–December 27: At the Astana Summit, member states reaffirmed the usefulness of CACO.

CSTO–October 7: Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, and Tajikistan sign the Treaty of Chisinau, that re-vamps the CST into the Collective Security Treaty Organization as we know it today. 

GUUAM–Uzbekistan announces its intent to withdraw from the GUUAM agreement.

March, 2003: Iraq war begins
March 15, 2003: Hu Jin-tao assumes leadership of China

EurAsEc–April: Armenia becomes observer nation to Eurasec.

CACO–July 5-6, 2003: CACO Summit was held in Almaty, Kazakhstan. Kazakhstan took the chair of the Central Asian Cooperation Organization. The heads of the CACO member states create a number of consortia within the CACO, including for water and energy; food; and communications.

CSTO/NATO–CSTO meeting November 19.  The CSTO invites NATO to participate, which they respectfully decline.

CSTO–September 18-Treaty of Chisinau enters into force.

late 2003-early 2004: Georgia's Rose Revolution
2004: Jose Manuel Barroso becomes EU Commission President

CACO–February: the Parliament of Kazakhstan was the first of the Central Asian countries to ratify the Treaty on the Establishment of the Central Asian Cooperation Organization (CACO).

CACO–October 18: Russia accedes to the CACO organization, bringing with it defense forces that are stationed in Tajikistan.  This is another step in consolidating CACO into EurAsEc.

late 2004-early 2005: Ukraine's Rose Revolution
March, 2005: Kyrgyzstan's Tulip Revolution
July, 2005: Uzbekistan's Andijan Massacre

CSTO–March: Tajikistan participates in CSTO military exercises.

CACO, EurAsEc–October 7, 2005 at the CACO summit held in St.-Petersburg there was taken a decision to merge the Central Asian Cooperation Organization (CACO) with the Eurasian Economic Community (EAEC).

GUAM–May 24: Uzbekistan de-accesses the GUUAM Organization for Democracy and Economic Development, which is once again named GUAM.

EurAsEc–October: Uzbekistan applies for membership in EurAsEc as CACO dissolves.

OSCE–April 11-14: Turkmenistani Members of Parliament travel to France to study and observe legislative procedures for the first time under OSCE aegis.

GUAM/CIS–April 21: The GUAM members challenge Russia's selective economic protectionism at the CIS meeting, and propose renewed negotiations on ‘frozen conflicts within CIS territory.

GUAM–May 30: Ukraine announces its desire to set up GUAM peacekeeping forces, which would add collective defense functions to this economic collective security organization.

CSTO–June 23: Uzbekistan accedes to the CSTO Treaty.

Butler, Kenley U.S.-Central Asian Military Cooperation at MIIS, CACO Fact Sheet, SCO page
Wikipedia: –CIS– –CSTO– -EurAsEC- –GUAM– -SCO-
United Nations Member Page

Official Sites:
CIS Web Page in English
CSTO Web Page, in Russian, at the Russian Federation Government sites
NATO Web Page
OSCE Web Page, in English 
SCO Web Page, portal for Chinese, English, and Russian


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