Foreign Policy Blogs

Tag Archives: Venezuela

The Valves of Democracy

The Valves of Democracy

The recent election in Venezuela was met with a result, that while surprising, was somewhat expected. Since the Chavez regime, election results in Venezuela have often favoured the incumbents, and when they did not, the incumbents still won. Venezuela’s outward appearance of democratic virtue demonstrates an electoral exercise mirrored among common regimes in recent history. […]

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The Missing Pillar

The Missing Pillar

A modern economy is usually based on a few industries or economic pillars that keep the economy afloat, resilient and viable in the long term. The loss of these staple pillars to an economy often results in eventual economic and political decline, and in some cases can lead to fairly rapid economic collapse. No political […]

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The Era of Shame

The Era of Shame

In a discussion I had with a local Government official, I was shocked to see how many Constitutional rights she was justifying breaking against refugees coming to my country from Ukraine. As someone who has close ties to this group from the past, I am well aware of what fair, good faith treatment of refugees […]

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The US Government’s Latin American Policies are Bringing Iran and Gangs Closer to Home 

The US Government’s Latin American Policies are Bringing Iran and Gangs Closer to Home 

The recent news that Venezuela will be providing Iran with 1 million hectares of arable land for farming draws further concern from the security circles concerned about the Islamic Republic’s growing influence in the Western Hemisphere.  That follows a rapidly growing energy collaboration between Caracas and Tehran following the Biden administration’s decision to lift oil […]

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The Summit of Abandoned Policy

The Summit of Abandoned Policy

For United States citizens, policy developments in the Americas were always tied to the belief that the United States saw the region as their own geographical backyard. The ascent of the United States as a world power following the Spanish-American Wars and their relative economic stability compared to Europe following the First and Second World […]

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The Collective Loss to United Extremism

The Collective Loss to United Extremism

There have been some welcomed comparisons published over the last few weeks focusing on elections and the possible political future of countries and regions as a whole. While some regions can be considered too diverse to compare properly to each other, Europe and Latin America share some political, cultural and structural similarities, albeit applied in very […]

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When Regimes Fester

When Regimes Fester

What is the appropriate way to deal with a country and a government that continuously abuses its own citizens and foreign nationals in 2020? International legal norms are often buried for the sake of political expediency so local elections can be won, but why do local elections depends on whether or not we acknowledge the […]

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The Olvidados

The Olvidados

The people of Hong Kong know that if they become ignored or forgotten, they will be subject to many rounds of dehumanization followed by oppression and possibly violence. They are very aware of their place in the world, and they also know that in this world we have had genocide and a Holocaust and that […]

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Nostalgia Finally Brings us an EU-Mercosur Free Trade Deal

Nostalgia Finally Brings us an EU-Mercosur Free Trade Deal

In the early 2000s, the idea behind many policy approaches were to promote complete and open free trade. An international policy that has come upon much criticism in the wake of several alliances and trade agreements coming apart or being re-designed, the idea of trade agreements have lost some of its luster. The agreement between […]

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A Deep DIVE For New Great Power Competition

A Deep DIVE For New Great Power Competition

The U.S. must engage in more long-term, strategic thinking in order to compete effectively in the new great power competition with both China and Russia.

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Missile Shields Forging International Relations

Missile Shields Forging International Relations

A historical overview of the development of anti-aircraft and anti-missile systems comes from the belief that the United States and its allies might have attempted to repeat the terror of German forces on the Soviet people during the Second World War and launch a strike on Moscow and the Soviet Union. The Cold War development […]

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Corruption Almost Never Disappears

Corruption Almost Never Disappears

Since the Americas became home to millions of refugees from Venezuela over the last year, a great deal of attention has been given to the situation in the country. With a new government in waiting declaring their legitimacy and international condemnation of the Maduro government, little has changed however in Venezuela or for Venezuelans. Maduro’s […]

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Venezuela’s Dilemma And Where Energy Fits

Venezuela’s Dilemma And Where Energy Fits

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Approaching The Venezuelan Spring

Approaching The Venezuelan Spring

When millions of Venezuelans left their country over the last few months the world finally started to refocus on Venezuela. Since the death of Hugo Chavez, Venezuela has not gathered much attention outside of the region. When three million of its citizens crossed the border into Colombia, Brazil as well as the rest of Latin […]

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The Life Cycle of Populist Leaders

The Life Cycle of Populist Leaders

In my city, we had one of the first internationally known populist leaders in our city government. He won because his main challenger was seen as a part of a corrupt regional government that were far from allergic to scandals. His personal life was complicated and tragic, with the man himself succumbing to cancer after […]

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Foreign Policy Blogs is a network of global affairs blogs and a supplement to the Foreign Policy Association’s Great Decisions program. Staffed by professional contributors from the worlds of journalism, academia, business, non-profits and think tanks, the FPB network tracks global developments on Great Decisions 2014 topics, daily. The FPB network is a production of the Foreign Policy Association.