Can public private partnership provide a solution for the financing of energy infrastructure projects, at a time when Iran is facing declining revenues as a result of years of crippling sanctions?
Can public private partnership provide a solution for the financing of energy infrastructure projects, at a time when Iran is facing declining revenues as a result of years of crippling sanctions?
The recent Saudi-Iranian clash is unlikely to affect oil markets for now, but the redistribution of political power between Saudi Arabia and Iran, along with the US disengagement from the Middle East might have long-term consequences for the region’s stability and global oil supply trends.
Much has been written and discussed about Kurdistan and its place (literally and figuratively) in the Middle East. Yet it’s challenging to see through rhetoric and conjecture, and learn what it is actually like to be in Kurdistan.
The IAEA’s final report left many observers dissatisfied: reactions to it tended to reflect people’s preexisting attitudes toward the issue.
With atrocities taking place in Iraq and Syria, the international community must stop the oppression against certain groups. Indeed, the lesson of Rwanda has been almost entirely ignored in 2015.
Iraqi Kurdistan is protected by its fierce and respected military forces, the peshmerga. Yet, each of the two main political parties in Kurdistan controls its own peshmerga regiments, using them to gain influence over other political agencies.
Is Putin committing the same Cold War Soviet error of overextending into the Middle East in order to camouflage its internal weaknesses with external displays of strength?
In the aftermath of the incident with Turkey, the next generation of Russian surface-to-air missile that concerned U.S. officials for so many years is now being deployed in Syria.
NATO’s cooperation with Algeria offers potential in combating international human trafficking networks. Reviving the ‘regional NATO’ plan for a joint military organization of Saharan states would allow governments to better disrupt the routes used to transport many migrants to the Mediterranean coast.
Without a technical issue nor pilot error being the cause of the crash, attention has turned toward a possible external object hitting the plane.
The growing insecurity in Jerusalem and other parts of Israel proper and the occupied territories are simply the symptoms of a more complex political issue that has been neglected and exploited.
Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu recently spoke at the UN General Assembly meeting on behalf of the Jewish state.
For minorities in the Middle East, assistance in their fight to survive has come too late on almost every occasion. Russia has decided to fill the gap that the West has left in combating threats in the region.
A great deal has been written about the agreement negotiated between Iran and the P5+1 countries. A lot of the commentary has been nonsense. Here I would like to address three unfounded lines of attack.
The main conclusion to be drawn from Bibi’s address to the American Jewish community is he needs new talking points.