The recent fighting outbreak in Nagorno-Karabakh, the worst in a twenty years period, reveals a sweeping complexity of the longstanding geopolitical chessboard that is the South Caucasus.
The recent fighting outbreak in Nagorno-Karabakh, the worst in a twenty years period, reveals a sweeping complexity of the longstanding geopolitical chessboard that is the South Caucasus.
A Donald Trump presidency could certainly bring some positive dynamics to U.S.-Russia relations but will not be a game-changer.
Given the amount of money already committed to supporting Afghanistan’s development, the effects of increased spending in Central Asia would be limited. Rather, the U.S. should withdraw from the region, leaving China and Russia to battle over influence.
Is Putin committing the same Cold War Soviet error of overextending into the Middle East in order to camouflage its internal weaknesses with external displays of strength?
High profile court cases have become the latest battleground between familiar adversaries: Russia and the West.
Canada made an agreement recently to adopt the radar technology behind the Iron Dome anti-aircraft missile system.
NGOs, aid workers and human rights groups will be the first to feel the wrath of Krygyzstan’s eastward slide.
Russia’s foreign NGO laws have delivered another hit — this time to one of the U.S.’s largest foundations.
The sale of arms and ballistic missiles to Iran by Russia will likely become the first point of contention linked directly to the text of the deal.
European policy that is being made in regards to the Russian aggression toward Ukraine is based on the same premise: There is no military solution to the Russia-Ukraine conflict.
If General Dunford is right, perhaps now is the time to reconsider military assistance to the Ukraine.