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Ratko Mladic, the top UN war crimes fugitive, may be arrested "within a few weeks." Chief prosecutor at the UN war crimes tribunal at the Hague, Carla del Ponte, stated that she saw "concrete signs" of the detention and extradition of Mladic. Ms. del Ponte said she had hoped to see Mladic face prosecution before […]
US military judges at the naval detention facility in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, threw out war crimes charges against two high profile detainees yesterday. The cases of Salim Hamdan, bin Laden's driver and bodyguard, and Omar Khadr, a Canadian captured in Afghanistan, were dismissed on jurisdictional grounds. The rulings did not affect the detention of the […]
The former Liberian President, Charles Taylor, boycotted the opening of his war crimes trial before the International Criminal Court at The Hague today, arguing he could not receive a fair trial due to lack of legal counsel. Taylors court appointed attorney, Karim Khan, walked out of the proceedings claiming Taylor had wanted to act as […]
Cambodian and international officials convened in a hotel conference room to negotiate the ground rules for the special courts to try members of the Khmer Rouge regime for crimes against humanity. The Khmer Rouge Tribunal is a mixed regime, with Cambodia holding jurisdiction under international assistance. The proceedings have been under negotiation since a bill […]
Egypt today resumed trials of 40 senior members of The Muslim Brotherhood (MB). The Muslim Brotherhood holds nearly 20 percent of the seats in Egypt's parliament, despite its members being banned from running for office. Members of the MB are being tried for money laundering and terrorism. It is one of the most influential jihadi […]
Salim Hamdan, bin Ladens personal bodyguard and driver, and Omar Khadr will face a US war crimes tribunal at the naval detention facility in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba today. Hamdan's case has surfaced in the Supreme Court in the past. The Court in Hamdan v. Rumsfeld ruled that the military commission invoked by President Bush was […]
As the blog has been covering street children, it seems quite appropriate that I discovered the showing of a film this evening about a boy living in the slums of Kenya. Tonight as part of the Guerrilla Film Fest, you can see the film, “I Want To Be A Pilot”. The film is about a […]
Zdravko Tolimir, a former intelligence officer and senior aide to Ratko Mladic, was arrested in Bosnia yesterday. Tolimer was considered the third most wanted war crimes fugitive after Mladic and Radovan Karadzic. He was arrested near the border with Serbia after a major sweep of the area by anti-terrorist units of both the Bosnia and […]
An Australian coroner has been told by an Australian inquiry to refer two individuals for war crimes prosecution for the murder of five Australian journalists during the invasion of East Timor in 1975. The so-called "Balibo five" were allegedly killed while attempting to surrender to Indonesian troops. According to witness testimony supplied by senior lawyers […]
Photo by Travel Blogs The problem of homelessness, poverty and street children faces every country and should concern us all. The United Nations estimates that their are over 150 million street children world wide. Whether the streets of Rio de Janeiro, Mumbai, Free Town, Bucharest or New York, the problems children face on the […]
The United Nations Security Council is to vote on the creation of an international tribunal to prosecute individuals suspected of involvement in the assassination of the former Lebanese prime minister, Rafik al-Hariri. The US, France, and Britain expect to get the 9 votes needed to pass the resolution despite apprehension by Russia and China, who […]
Photo by Hobo Traveler They look so young, so innocent as they lie sleeping Held so tightly together, with their faces finally erased of worry Almost snug looking, half buried in rags on their concrete bed But this peacefulness will end all too soon For when sleep wears from their eyes it will reveal pain […]
US President George W. Bush unveiled a new set of sanctions against the Sudanese government in a speech today. Mr. Bush made his speech ahead of next weeks G8 summit in Europe. The new sanctions are intended to influence the Sudanese to ends its blockade against humanitarian aid and an amendment to the African Union […]