Foreign Policy Blogs

Global Film Review



"Osama" is the story of a 12 year-old girl living in Afghanistan during the rule of the Taliban. When the girl and her mother lose their jobs at the local hospital because of the Taliban crackdown on women's rights, she must cut her hair and pretend to be a boy so she can work. The […]

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The Beauty Academy of Kabul

The Beauty Academy of Kabul

This film is as much about empowerment for women as it is a slice of life in post-Taliban Afghanistan. It is about several women from the United States and Britain who come to Kabul after the fall of the Taliban to teach women how to be beauticians. One interesting aspect is the way in which […]

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Bringing Down a Dictator

Bringing Down a Dictator

"Bringing Down a Dictator" is a testament to the human spirit. It chronicles the actions of a grassroots movement called Otpor! (Serbian for "Resistance") that miraculously brought Yugoslav dictator Slobodan Milosevic out of power. The organization of Otpor! was ingenious because there was no central command, no official leaders. What they accomplished in a year's […]

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Iraq in Fragments

Iraq in Fragments

[kml_flashembed movie=”” width=”425″ height=”350″ wmode=”transparent” /] What James Longley has attempted in "Iraq in Fragments" is to provide a documentary without narration. He tries to let his subjects tell their stories in a way that is both revealing and intimate. However, on the whole, the film fails to illuminate for the audience what is happening […]

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[kml_flashembed movie=”” width=”425″ height=”350″ wmode=”transparent” /] The animated film "Persepolis" was nominated for an Academy Award for best animated feature for 2007. And with good reason. The film centers on a young girl coming of age in a turbulent time in Iran. The overthrow of the shah, the subsequent takeover by the mullahs and the […]

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Darfur Now

Darfur Now

[kml_flashembed movie=”” width=”425″ height=”350″ wmode=”transparent” /] Darfur is a nightmare. The western area of Sudan, Africa, which is the size of France, is home to about six million people. As many as 200,000 people have been killed and another 2.5 million displaced. That's where the documentary “Darfur Now” begins. Director Ted Braun tackles genocide in […]

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