Foreign Policy Blogs

Tag Archives: China

Seoul G-20 Wrap-Up: So What Happened..??

Seoul G-20 Wrap-Up: So What Happened..??

G-20 world leaders meeting in Seoul, South Korea, concluded the summit late Friday by issuing a joint communiqué, with no specifics, agreeing only in general terms to curb “persistently large imbalances” in saving and spending. But deep divisions, especially over the US-China currency dispute, left G-20 officials negotiating all night to draft a watered-down statement for the leaders to endorse, keeping alive a dispute that raises fears of a global trade & currency war, and fears of rising protectionism among nations.

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The Grammar of Chinese Women

The Grammar of Chinese Women

by Deborah Fallows The village of Xizhou is nestled in a verdant strip of land in China’s southwestern Yunnan Province. To the east lies Erhai Lake, where cormorants play. To the west, hills rise to the Tibetan Plateau, where herders graze their yaks. During World War II, Xizhou offered a first radio contact point for […]

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Ideas for Obama

Ideas for Obama

As President Obama prepares to go to India for a three-day state visit, U.S. policy pundits are busy proffering ideas for the bilateral agenda.

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Global Currency War Reveals Shifting Power

Global Currency War Reveals Shifting Power

There are mounting anxieties in Global capital markets over the divergence between China’s economic policies – specifically, its currency exchange rate policies — and the relationship that currency valuation has to a sputtering economic recovery in the rich Western economies.

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Chinese Companies Defy UN Sanctions in Iran & Darfur

Chinese Companies Defy UN Sanctions in Iran & Darfur

The spotlight is on Chinese weapons this week. The Washington Post reported that the Obama administration has gathered evidence of Chinese companies helping Iran develop its missile technology and nuclear weapons. One U.S. official associated with this investigation said the companies may be acting without the knowledge of the Chinese government. UN sanctions currently restrict […]

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China's Problem

China's Problem

There are more than a few problems in the People’s Republic of China, to be sure, but the one to which I’m referring here is pollution.  I went to an event last week sponsored by the Innovation Center for Energy and Transportation (ICET) and hosted by the India China Institute as part of Climate Week […]

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Is India a truly powerful country?

Amidst all the embarrassment of the Commonwealth Games preparations in Delhi, a report by the National Intelligence Council and EU’s Institute for Security Studies placing India as the third most powerful country has brought in a much need boost to the spirits. The report, Global Governance 2025, puts India in the third position with eight […]

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China's Renewable Exports

China's Renewable Exports

On Clean Energy, China Skirts Rules was a front-page story at the NY Times this past week.  The gist:  China is cranking up its exports of wind turbines and PV, eclipsing other leaders like the US and Germany.  However, they’re doing it largely on the strength of subsidies illegal under international trade agreements, namely the […]

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It is time for regional powers to take charge!

It is time for regional powers to take charge!

The world is watching in shock as Pakistan grapples with one of the worst floods in history. This week the UN estimated that the floods in southern Pakistan have displaced about a million people in a matter of two days. The massive floods began almost a month ago and have since displaced about 20 million […]

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Biggest Financial Crime in US History Merits Slap on the Hand: Wachovia Launders Dirty Money

The bank, now a unit of Wells Fargo, leads a list of firms that have moved dirty money for Mexico’s narcotics cartels–helping a $39 billion trade that has killed more than 22,000 people since 2006. –Michael Smith, Bloomberg Markets Magazine, July7, 2010

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What the Media Doesn't Say About Falun Gong

11 Years ago, on July 20, 1999, a persecution against a meditation practice called Falun Gong (or Falun Dafa) officially started in Mainland China. The persecution of Falun Gong was the brainchild of former Chinese president Jiang Zemin, who saw Falun Gong’s enormous popularity among 100 million Chinese and simply wanted to crush it. I […]

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In This Great Game, Human Rights Take a Back Seat

In This Great Game, Human Rights Take a Back Seat

As India and China battle it out in the Indian Ocean, human rights takes a back seat in South Asia.

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More GHGs from China and India

More GHGs from China and India

Amid all the doom and gloom that the media and some of the major environmental groups promulgated before, during and after Copenhagen last December, some voices pointed out that there were important breakthroughs.  One important group, the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC), noted that “… for the first time, all major economies, including China, India, […]

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U.S, India Attempt to Patch Up Differences With Strategic Dialogue

U.S, India Attempt to Patch Up Differences With Strategic Dialogue

After all the pretty words, is the Obama Administration actually willing to walk the talk with some concrete policy choices when it comes to India?

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Currency, DPRK Top US-China Economic Talks

Currency, DPRK Top US-China Economic Talks

U.S. administration officials arrived in Beijing today (Monday) for high-level talks between America and China, Beijing officials sought ahead of the newly formed annual strategic summit to avoid open disagreement on the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (North Korea) apparent sinking of a South Korean warship, exchange rates, currency reforms and other big issues that divide the two nations.

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Foreign Policy Blogs is a network of global affairs blogs and a supplement to the Foreign Policy Association’s Great Decisions program. Staffed by professional contributors from the worlds of journalism, academia, business, non-profits and think tanks, the FPB network tracks global developments on Great Decisions 2014 topics, daily. The FPB network is a production of the Foreign Policy Association.