Foreign Policy Blogs

Tag Archives: hedge funds

Hi-Speed Secret Trading Caused 'Flash Crash'

Hi-Speed Secret Trading Caused 'Flash Crash'

Using high-speed, high-frequency programmed trades, Traders in effect bend down to pick up those pennies – often millions lying around in the stock market – then do it again, sometimes thousands of times a second. There is nothing wrong with this activity in, and of itself, however, HFTs have become a matter of financial public policy and regulatory review given a glimpse into its potential harm to efficient Markets. Left un-checked this could become the next big financial disaster waiting to happen.

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Traders Short $8Bn Euros, Threaten New Crisis

Traders Short $8Bn Euros, Threaten New Crisis

Financial markets continue to be roiled this week over fears that a European debt crisis could derail the global recovery. Investors are spooked by the debt problem in Greece – a possible precursor of what may happen in the U.S. Investors fear Greece may default on its sovereign debt, or require a bailout from already strapped European governments. Those concerns are spreading to other financially troubled governments in Europe.

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