Foreign Policy Blogs

Tag Archives: Iraq

Corruption and Bureaucratic Graft

Corruption and Bureaucratic Graft

The same day Iraq signed a $365 million agreement to install a pipeline network to import 25 million cubic meters of Iranian natural gas a day to the Sadr, al-Quds and South Baghdad power stations in the Iraqi capital, Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki hinted to aides that he was considering cutting half of his government’s […]

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UPDATE: Iraq Demands Return of Stolen Billions

Iraqi lawmakers are demanding the return of $17 billion they say was stolen during the second Iraq war.

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Move Over Madoff: US Billions Potentially Stolen in Iraq

Move Over Madoff: US Billions Potentially Stolen in Iraq

Reports are swirling that nearly $ 7 billion of Iraq’s oil money, siphoned into the country to rebuild critical infrastructure, may have simply been lifted by some enterprising crooks

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Bowling Green Based Jihadis Stumble into FBI Snare

Bowling Green Based Jihadis Stumble into FBI Snare

Federal officials announced Tuesday that two Iraqi nationals have been arrested in Bowling Green, Kentucky on charges that they conspired to provide weapons and money to al Qaeda in Iraq (AQI).

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On Memorial Day, Let's Honor the Memory of Those Who Have Served

On Memorial Day, Let's Honor the Memory of Those Who Have Served

Here in America, a lot of us are aware of what Memorial Day stands for – it formally commemorates the men and women who fought and died while in military service. However, too often, it’s simply summer’s annual kick-off, and the official start to vacation season. Once upon a time, Memorial Day marked a moment […]

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We tried to get out…but Th(AEI)y Keep Pulling Us Back In

As the architects of the Iraq war remain holed up in this last bastion of neo-conservatism, AEI’s continued influence and Gates’ congruence to their guidance may come as a surprise to many, in an era of hope and change

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A New Chapter for America in the Middle East

President Obama’s speech on Thursday was designed to introduce a symbolic redefinition of American policy in the Middle East. Assuring his international audience that an ever-changing world demands continued leadership, his words ushered in a new chapter of American diplomacy.

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Al Qaeda in Iraq Suffers Samarra Setback

Al Qaeda in Iraq Suffers Samarra Setback

Iraqi security forces announced the arrest of four suspected leaders of the al-Qaeda in Iraq (AQI) network

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Iraq's Manama Moment

Iraq's Manama Moment

Given their increasingly vocal stance on the Bahraini matter, and pressing regional issues, perhaps Iraq’s role at the helm of the contested Arab League summit might suit them after all.

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Despite Budget Impasse, US Military Will Get Paid…to Stay in Iraq Indefinitely

In his farewell tour of greater Mesopotamia, the Defense Secretary remarked that the US and Iraq would have to negotiate the terms of any American presence, while admitting that he had dreamed up at least a couple scenarios that might keep American forces in Iraq, perhaps indefinitely.

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Continuing on its quest to cover all of the world’s top 40 languages and 99 percent of its Internet users, Google has finally launched Iraq.

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Defining Irony: Iraq Set to Take the Helm of the Arab League

In an unintended twist of fate, Libya’s expulsion from the Arab League has left the fragile state of Iraq at the helm of the Arab League. It remains to be seen whether they’ll be ready to lead.

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Lessons Learned Eight Years In…

Eight years and one day ago, the United States government disregarded international law and began the invasion of Iraq with a staggering display of “shock and awe.” On Thursday, the United Nations Security Council approved the use of force in Libya, including “all necessary measures…to protect civilians and civilian populated areas under threat of attack.” […]

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Libya's Iraqi Lesson? Or, "Why I Can't Stand Charles Krauthammer"

There’s currently a spirited debate shaping up on the Washington Post’s Post Partisan blog between heavy-weight commentators Charles Krauthammer and Anne Appelbaum. Their discussion sheds light on a provocative contention some conservatives are now promoting; namely, that the Bush Doctrine set precedent for the Middle East’s demand for democracy.

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"It's Not My Fault": Rumsfeld Offers Bizarre Context To Iraq's Security Gains

"It's Not My Fault": Rumsfeld Offers Bizarre Context To Iraq's Security Gains

In the spirit of self-reflection on mistakes made during the Iraq War, former Pentagon chief Donald Rumsfeld is busily promoting his 800 page new memoir, “Known and Unknown,” while defending the Bush administration’s most critical decisions. Appearing on the public circuit for the first time since stepping down in 2006, Rumsfeld has stated that none of the top officials lied about weapons of mass destruction as a pretext for the war.

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