Approaches to create safe zones are being sought by Russia, Turkey and Iran in an effort to reverse the mass migration out of Syria.
Approaches to create safe zones are being sought by Russia, Turkey and Iran in an effort to reverse the mass migration out of Syria.
Neither a Putin-Assad hegemony nor an inclusive transitional government of a united Syria are solutions after Aleppo. Partition is the solution.
Saudi Arabia and Iran project influence using their interpretations of Islam and the politicization of sectarian identities as instruments of foreign policy.
It is crucial to plan beyond the short-term military strategy and work to create a new environment in which ISIS or its successor cannot re-emerge.
Establishing the facts in an objective review could possibly achieve some form of justice for victims of war crimes and genocide.
2017 will either be the year in which governments decide to stop genocide in the Middle East or allow these atrocities to be normalized.
Toxic polemics disseminated mainly by those loyal to Saudi Arabia and Iran made a full-blown Sunni-Shia civil war across the Muslim world a matter of time.
Although NGOs have pushed to help Yazidis, it has been extremely difficult to get governments to even acknowledge the ongoing atrocities.
The new U.S. president will have to address the issue of religious minorities in the Middle East, from humanitarian and geostrategic perspectives.
An independent Kurdistan under U.S. protection would unite Iraqi and Syrian Kurdistan as well as minority areas of Assyrians, Turkomans, Yezidi and others.
Victory over the Islamic State in Mosul and Raqqa will bring about the demise of ISIS but fail to foster an end to the tensions and conflict in the region.
Has Obama has been taking the “least bad” course on Syria? Reflecting on the last two decades of U.S. foreign policy interventions, the answer is yes.
Social media is now on the front lines of many international conflicts with clicks and ‘follows’ being the new version of voting with your feet.
It is not unreasonable to think that all minorities will be wiped out of the Middle East very soon, simply because of our lack of interest.
After the defeat of ISIS, temporary Turkish and Egyptian occupation zones should be imposed in Sunni provinces of Iraq and Syria prior to partition.