Foreign Policy Blogs

Tag Archives: pakistan politics

Stop bombing Pakistan. Really?

Believe me, I’d be mad like hell if Americans bombed Pakistan and killed innocent civilians. Believe me, America is not targeting Pakistan. The Taliban are attacking Pakistan. Today, Pakistan is facing a very tough challenge of defeating home grown insurgency funded and fueled by the money that is directly coming from the Middle East. And […]

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With friends like these anchors, Pakistan doesn’t need enemies

با دوستان هایی از این دشمنان ما نیاز ندارد. The meeting between Pakistan’s ‘super anchors’ and Hillary Clinton was, well, disastrous, not for America or Clinton, but for these talk show hosts. Hillary was calm, controlled, measured and she answered all sorts of questions thoroughly and intelligently. And unlike most of the panel, she was […]

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Musharaff, Ch. Nisar and Zardari

Musharaff gives an interview using unkind words for Zardari and Ch. Nisar defends Zardari. Really? Ch. Nisar has two passions (if you read what he has been saying after he became the opposition leader): attacking every Zardari and attacking everything America. Therefore, it was very strange to read that Ch. Nisar huffed and puffed about […]

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Fareed Zakaria Interviews Musharraff

Zainab Jeewanjee covers Fareed Zakaria’s interview of General Musharraf on CNN’s show GPS. Musharraf talks to Zakaria about the Pakistan army’s role in defeating terrorism and whether Pakistan truly has an interest in defeating cross border terrorism in Afghanistan given that the situation is rooted in a ’60 year old geopolitical rivalry at play between India and Pakistan” .

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Poor Pakistan

Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. Albert Einstein We all know that Pakistan’s overall situation has been dedeteriorating for decades and it has entered a critical phase. And, regretfully, it seems that there is nothing that is going to reverse the tide in Pakistan.Therefore, people are asking – […]

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"Friends not Masters"

Secretary of State Hlilary Clinton visits Pakistan to rally support for support in the War on terror. Zainab Jeewanjee reports on the toughening stance on Islamabad’s efforts at uprooting terror as Clinton addresses students and major news media. Her diplomacy unfortunately falls short as there is rapidly increasing skepticism in Pakistan of cooperating with the United States.

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On Jinnah, Democracy, Leadership & Current Affairs in Pakistan

Zainab Jeewanjee interviews former National Security advisor, Foreign Minister & Attorney General of Pakistan. They discuss Jinnah, democracy, Musharraf international relations and current political affairs in Pakistan.

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Please, come forward and help

My heart sank when I read “ISLAMABAD: A wave of suicide bombings, coordinated grenade, bomb and gun assaults, and drive-by shootings  blamed  on militants has left more than 190 people dead in Pakistan so far this month.“ on Dawn. Is this the same Pakistan that some Western countries accuse of ‘not doing enough’ in the fight […]

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Every Crisis is an Opportunity

As Pakistan’s military steps up offensive efforts in Waziristan against terrorists, tension ensues among civilians who are increasingly living in fear and uncertainty. Zainab Jeewanjee describes this through her grandmothers experience of Pakistan’s history and how it relates to a desolate lack of expectation which has transcended to even younger generations today as Pakistan faces the War on Terror.

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Wazirstan Operation

Finally, the operation in Wazristan is under way, thank God. Pakistan is doing a good job of clearing every place that was a safe heaven for the nuts in and around Pakistan. Now, policy makers in Pakistan should not focus on achieving short term military objective. This war is not going to be easy and […]

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"Terrorism Anywhere, is Terrorism Everywhere"

A BBC article documents Pakistani citizens who support a military offensive to take out terrorists. Citizens of Pakistan increasingly suffer the brunt of terrorism since 9/11 as a spillover of militants from Afghanistan found their way to the northern areas. In addition to our strategic interests, America should take into account the grave human element of suffering that our allies face in cooperating with our efforts in the War on Terror.

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When Martial Law = Democracy

Pakistan suffers decreased security with weekly suicide attacks, terrorists fleeing NATO forces from Afghanistan into Pakistan and a stagnant if not worsening economy. ALthough the situation is partially a result of Cold War policies in which Pakistan cooperated with the United States against Soviets, today’s post 9/11 context puts both countries back into cooperation with one another. However, the alliance is looked at with skepticism, specifically by way of the Kerry Lugar Bill which many feel, sidelines the military. Zainab Jeewanjee explains.

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Pakistan, Fight Back

Why is there so much commotion about the attack on the GHQ in Pakistan? Come on, please; did we not know that the Taliban are a threat to everything Pakistan? Regretfully, there is still support for the Taliban in the country. I was watching Ijaz-Ul-Haq, son of Zia, one of the worst dictators in Pakistan’s […]

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Tolerating the Taliban

The Obama Administration after deliberation, surge in troops and General McChrystal’s advice, is differentiating between the Al Qaeda and Taliban threat. The focus in the strategy in Afghanistan will now be on eradicating Al Qaeda.

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Peshawar Blast

There we go again. Another bomb blast in Peshawar destroyed everything – peace, confidence and hope, yet again. We all know that the campaign against the Taliban is going to be bloody, and these nihilists are going to do everything in their power to scare, destabilize and intimidate Pakistan, but I am confident that Pakistanis […]

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