Foreign Policy Blogs

Tag Archives: Venezuela

Voting Against the Law of Corruption

Voting Against the Law of Corruption

While difficult to measure a few months before elections are to take place, major national and regional changes are coming to the Americas, with votes likely determining the future economic and security focus of the region. When considering NAFTA, it could be that the waves created by Trumps bargaining approach may be less of a […]

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Fleeing Crisis, Venezuelans Seek Refuge in Neighboring Countries

Fleeing Crisis, Venezuelans Seek Refuge in Neighboring Countries

Multilateral organizations, including the United Nations Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), UNICEF, Inter-American Commission on Human Rights, and Global Fund, have expressed strong concern about the deteriorating health situation in Venezuela. The OHCHR states that there are widespread shortages of food, medicines, and basic medical supplies. Last year, 30% of all […]

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Price-fixing can only worsen the crisis in Venezuela

Price-fixing can only worsen the crisis in Venezuela

Venezuela is closer than ever to a full-blown humanitarian crisis, with its population being unable to satisfy dietary requirements amidst a climate of hyperinflation and collapse of national productivity. The government, instead of formulating a clear exit strategy, is forcing supermarkets and consumer goods manufacturers to cut prices at severe losses, in a move that […]

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The Bitcoin bubble, Venezuela, and political risk

The Bitcoin bubble, Venezuela, and political risk

Regardless of mainstream reservations, rampant speculation, and a near-certain chance of bust, Bitcoin is here to stay. Cryptocurrencies will transform the way we identify, manage and mitigate political risks across borders – and Venezuela offers a perfect case study. Understanding the hype Regular descent into what is only retrospectively described as insanity has been a […]

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Latest on Venezuela woes

Latest on Venezuela woes

When I last wrote about Venezuela in May, protests raged across the country. They derived from the ruling regime-controlled Supreme Court attempting to wrest power away from the National Assembly, Venezuela’s federal legislature and last vestige of opposition voices in the government. The move was met with harsh criticism at home and abroad, and President […]

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Our Respect for Sovereignty is also a Call to Action

Our Respect for Sovereignty is also a Call to Action

President Trump issues his first set of remarks at the United Nations. He highlighted the importance of national sovereignty and collective action.

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Venezuela is on the Road to a One Party State

Venezuela is on the Road to a One Party State

On the road of corruption, there must often be a legal shield in order to protect past crimes committed by a government with its hands in the public purse.

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Venezuela: Tensions High as Showdown Looms

Venezuela: Tensions High as Showdown Looms

Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro continues to crack down on opposition and protests to his increasingly authoritarian government.

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Venezuela Thrown into Turmoil Anew: Last Straw for Regime?

Venezuela Thrown into Turmoil Anew: Last Straw for Regime?

Venezuela witnessed an upheaval in the national legislature and the ban of the leading opposition figure from running for office, resulting in massive protests and violent clashes with police.

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Venezuela’s Challenges Drag On

Venezuela’s Challenges Drag On

A currency shakeup, corruption probes on the oil industry, and a growing crackdown against political opponents. Venezuela’s situation demands our attention.

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Venezuela’s Struggles Continue as Government and Opposition Clash

Venezuela’s Struggles Continue as Government and Opposition Clash

The country’s supreme court blocked a recall referendum that could have removed Maduro from power. The country’s struggles continue, but there is some hope.

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Continued Challenges for Venezuela

Continued Challenges for Venezuela

Here is an update on the situation in Venezuela: from oil corruption, to government layoffs, to a border rush into Colombia.

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Venezuela Shortages: Past, Present, and Uncertain Future

Venezuela Shortages: Past, Present, and Uncertain Future

Venezuelans have been suffering from many hardships in recent months, including a plummeting economy, food shortages, and electricity rationing.

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The Collapse of Chavez’s Venezuela

The Collapse of Chavez’s Venezuela

Problems for Venezuela and its president Nicolas Maduro continue to mount as the country heads inexorably towards its collapse.

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Is Populism Bad for the Economy?

Is Populism Bad for the Economy?

While Latin America is slowly turning its back away from populist policies, it looks like North America might give it a shot.

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Foreign Policy Blogs is a network of global affairs blogs and a supplement to the Foreign Policy Association’s Great Decisions program. Staffed by professional contributors from the worlds of journalism, academia, business, non-profits and think tanks, the FPB network tracks global developments on Great Decisions 2014 topics, daily. The FPB network is a production of the Foreign Policy Association.