Foreign Policy Blogs


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My name is Derek Catsam and I am thrilled to serve as a blogger and writer for the Foreign Policy Association’s “Great Decisions” series. I will be handling issues related to South Africa. I am a history professor at the University of Texas of the Permian Basin and I work on issues of race and politics in the United states and South Africa, though as a militant generalist I also write about sports, terrorism, and other issues.

I have experience writing in this format at my own blog, dcat, where I write about just about everything under the sun, from pop culture to sports. But I am thrilled to be able to focus on South Africa here at the Foreign Policy Association. I have extensive experience travelling, living, and working in Southern Africa and am thrilled to share my ideas and whatever insights I might have with you on this vitally important country on that most overlooked of continents.



Derek Catsam

Derek Catsam is a Professor of history and Kathlyn Cosper Dunagan Professor in the Humanities at the University of Texas of the Permian Basin. He is also Senior Research Associate at Rhodes University. Derek writes about race and politics in the United States and Africa, sports, and terrorism. He is currently working on books on bus boycotts in the United States and South Africa in the 1940s and 1950s and on the 1981 South African Springbok rugby team's tour to the US. He is the author of three books, dozens of scholarly articles and reviews, and has published widely on current affairs in African, American, and European publications. He has lived, worked, and travelled extensively throughout southern Africa. He writes about politics, sports, travel, pop culture, and just about anything else that comes to mind.

Areas of Focus:
Africa; Zimbabwe; South Africa; Apartheid
