A contemporary variation of "the dog ate my homework" might be "the server ate my blog post" which, in my case, it did. The FPA was doing some sort of server-switcheroo hocus pocus and my post from last Friday got swallowed up in the maw of cryptocyberlimbo. So, here it is, better late than never, and all that sort of thing. There's been a lot more on the IPCC report since last week so I’ll be catching up on some of that shortly.
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change was the co-winner of this year's Nobel Peace Price along with Al Gore. (See the IPCC's press release.) I've written about them and their work throughout the year including at "Mitigation of Climate Change" and "Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability" and Welcome to the FPA on Climate Change.
"Climate Change 2007," the IPCC Fourth Assessment Report (AR4), is about to be completed. The BBC reports here that the IPCC is going to say that "Climate change may bring "abrupt and irreversible' impacts" Meeting in Valencia, Spain, the delegates are hashing out the final language and UNSG Ban Ki-moon will lead the presentation tomorrow. For more information, go here at the IPCC's website.
The AR4 will feed directly into the international talks that will commence in Bali early in December. See this from the UNFCC on the critical Bali meetings that will set the stage for the next generation of international protocols on addressing climate change after Kyoto expires in 2012.