Foreign Policy Blogs

The Zuma Magic Potion

As COSATU and the SACP seem on the verge of seeing their plans achieve fruition through the rise to ANC party presidency of Jacob Zuma, which many are beginning to see as inevitable, it might be worth asking a few questions, as Muzibuko Jara does in the Mail & Guardian:

This is an opportune time for the left to confront some hard questions — and they should start with interrogating the allegedly progressive, democratic and transformative policy credentials of a Jacob Zuma-led ANC.

Without a doubt the succession battle has created conditions for a more democratic ANC. But how deep is this process, how long will it last and just how progressive is it? Is political space being sought only for a new elite of alliance leaders, or for people at the grassroots?

Jara seems skeptical as to whether the Zuma elixir represents the panacea so many seem to yearn for in a post-Mbeki dispensation. I know that I am. It remains to be seen what a Zuma presidency might mean, but there are no simple solutions and Zuma is not a messiah.