Foreign Policy Blogs

National Teach-In

Somewhat in the spirit of the "Step It Up 2007" campaign from last April in which events all over the country focused on climate change and getting Congress to act, this week a group called Focus the Nation has organized thousands of teach-ins at schools and other entities like churches and businesses.  Here are links to a passel of stories from the major media, as well as a press kit and various releases.  This is a very big effort and hopefully will give another boost to the salience of the issue.  For my part, I'm teaching a college class on the politics and policy of climate change and we meet tomorrow afternoon.  That'll be my little contribution.  By the way, if you've got some stories to tell about events this week connected to the teach-in, we'd love for you to share them with us.



Bill Hewitt

Bill Hewitt has been an environmental activist and professional for nearly 25 years. He was deeply involved in the battle to curtail acid rain, and was also a Sierra Club leader in New York City. He spent 11 years in public affairs for the NY State Department of Environmental Conservation, and worked on environmental issues for two NYC mayoral campaigns and a presidential campaign. He is a writer and editor and is the principal of Hewitt Communications. He has an M.S. in international affairs, has taught political science at Pace University, and has graduate and continuing education classes on climate change, sustainability, and energy and the environment at The Center for Global Affairs at NYU. His book, "A Newer World - Politics, Money, Technology, and What’s Really Being Done to Solve the Climate Crisis," will be out from the University Press of New England in December.

Areas of Focus:
the policy, politics, science and economics of environmental protection, sustainability, energy and climate change
