Foreign Policy Blogs

How Non-Profits Can Work with the Corporate World

Last week the Financial Times published an article about how corporations and non-profits can work together productively. The relationship is probably always going to be an awkward one, especially for NGOs that don't want their corporate partners to make any money off the arrangement. The FT is particularly concerned with the division of intellectual property rights for innovations that come out of development partnerships. They list several models, but admit that this is an area that requires more work.



Kevin Dean

Kevin Dean is a graduate student pursuing a master's degree in international conflict management and humanitarian emergencies at Georgetown University. Before returning to school in Fall 2006, he spent six years working in the former Soviet Union - most of that time spent in Central Asia. He has managed a diverse range of international development programs for the US State Department and USAID. He has also consulted for several UN agencies and international NGOs, and is fluent in Russian. Kevin is originally from Des Moines, Iowa and studied Russian, East European, and Eurasian Studies at the University of Iowa.