Foreign Policy Blogs

Iran Continues Military Exercises

Iran flag 

Iran continued a military exercise today that demonstrated both an offensive and defensive capability to the region and to the U.S. (Washington Post -Iran Launches Another Test Missile, Draws Rebuke From Rice):

Citing broadcasts on state-run Iranian television, the Associated Press reported out of Tehran that the country had continued an ongoing military exercise in the Persian Gulf with a second consecutive day of missile tests. The report said the overnight tests — like those conducted with at least eight missiles yesterday — included the use of long-range rockets capable of reaching Israel, as well as other devices with what state-controlled media referred to as “special capabilities.”

In Seven Questions: What Iran Wants, Karim Sadjadpour, an Iran expert at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, offers insight into what the leaders of Iran think and what exactly they are signaling. His assessment is hopeful, he sees minimal chances for overt war and thinks the upcoming U.S. presidential election may be an opportunity to forge a new relationship with Iran. Can the U.S. wait six months to begin a new chapter in U.S. – Iranian relations?



Joel Davis

Joel Davis is the Director of Online Services at the International Studies Association in Tucson, Arizona. He is a graduate of the University of Arizona, where he received his B.A. in Political Science and Master's degree in International Relations. He has lived in the UK, Italy and Eritrea, and his travels have taken him to Canada, Brazil, Austria, Switzerland, Germany, and Greece.

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Areas of Focus:
State Department; Diplomacy; US Aid; and Alliances.

Contact Joel by e-mail at [email protected].