Foreign Policy Blogs

Lebanon's New Low

The army is under attack from more than one side.

A Lebanese officer was killed on Thursday when a military helicopter came under fire in southern Lebanon. First Lieutenant Samer Hanna was killed when gunmen opened fire on the helicopter, which was flying over the village of Tilal Soujoud in southern Lebanon.

The Lebanese army has set up roadblocks in the area where the helicopter was attacked near an area where UNIFIL troops are conducting maneuvers.

Witnesses told NOW Lebanon that they heard machinegun fire in the Bir al-Kilab area near Armatta in the Jezzine caza, before the military helicopter was hit.

Inside sources also told NOW Lebanon that Hezbollah fighters shot at the military helicopter "because it crossed red lines that Hezbollah had warned the Defense Ministry and army command" not to cross, the sources said.

What is President Suleiman going to do about it? If we look at what he did thus far… nothing. Same story with March 14. They are all so vocal on TVs, radios etc but there is no ability to actually lead. And that is a shame. There are many reasons why this alliance exists on paper but in reality is almost invisible.

I don't think we should jump to point to Hizballah just yet . The investigation should lead to some answer.

The Sunni radicals are still a [big] problem and the political circus is ongoing. Something that I understood in all these years is that Lebanon is often on the verge of the precipice. No matter how bad it looks there is still hope to get better.