Foreign Policy Blogs

breaking news: Palestinians are losing faith in two-state solution

The NYT has a piece on the disillusionment of Palestinians with the 2-state solution dream. It has, after all, been 15 years since the Oslo Accords were signed in 1993, and it can't be comforting to know that Olmert, Abbas, and Bush are hard at work – their combined approval rating probably hovers somewhere around 60%.

For an interesting account of the economic realities of the Gaza strip, and its relative lack of any infrastructure independent of Israel, read Amira Hass’ Drinking the Sea at Gaza. Hass is an Israeli journalist who lived in Gaza City and in Ramallah as the correspondet for Haaretz – her account of life in the strip, criticism of Israel's policies aside, raises some important questions about what kind of support would be necessary there to make a state viable.

And, since it is the weekend, if you are interested in reading a (possibly inflammatory, depending on your views) piece advocating a one-state solution, Tony Judt wrote one for the New York Review of Books in 2003.