Foreign Policy Blogs

Never Ending Reconciliation

The minimum wage was raised. Finally a piece of good news although at the prices they have here its far from being decent. Maybe some should slow down the corruption and use the money for the people. What an awkward idea, no?

President Suleiman invited all camps [realistically there are more than two] to attend an Iftar dinner at his palace in Baabda. Nice PR touch in an elegant ambient, but does it help? The President announced that in a week time the national dialogue starts. That will go on and on for weeks if not months. At the end they will agree to disagree and some document will be pushed forward for the people and that's it.

On the major issue like the arms of all resistances / militias there is no solution that I see tangible. The Lebanese will say that as long as the Palestinians have the weapons they too need the arms, and the Palestinians, well you all know the story. Its a circle.

This is after all a transitional government and everyone works for the 2009 elections.