Foreign Policy Blogs

Pieces and Parts

A few interesting bits from this past week: 

The Global Perspectives on Major Donor Fundraising conference took place in London in November.  The December issue of Alliance includes a thoughtful summary of some of its biggest topics – including whether we should take a more donor-centered view towards fundraising and if the idea of major gifts works in other countries.  Some questions to consider – Who's life “enhancement” should be first priority to fundraisers, the donor or the recipient?  Major gifts do not play a huge role in some countries – does this change the dynamics of fundraising and operations entirely?

Pulling from Alliance once again and tying to some of my explorations on Venture Philanthropy, Ravinol Chambers also explores the ups and downs of the VP model.  One way to look at it is, aside from all of the hype, VP is one tool in the toolbox.  It's new and innovative – and that is exciting for the sector, but its not a silver bullet.

Much of what folks in the VP world do like is information and the sector absolutely needs to continuous improvement here.  The Hewlett Foundation and McKinsey have teamed up in their Nonprofit Marketplace to answer two questions:  1.) How can we help donors make smart philanthropic decisions?   2.)How can we ensure that the strongest, most effective nonprofits get the resources they need?  The innovative part – is they want to hear from you.

Finally, and courtesy of my inbox, Chronicle of Philanthropy looks at Humanity United – an organization started by Pam Omidyar (wife of Pierre Omidyar, again speaking of VP) to combat mass violence and modern-day slavery, two topics that are rarely touched within philanthropy.  The structure has two arms – one with a charity status and one that focuses on advocacy for the issues at hand, and similar to the Omidyar Network, HU makes grants, loans, and looks to support socially driving businesses.  An interesting bit is that the organization generally provides operating support – beliving that unrestricted funds are the best way for charities to grow and advance their goals.  The article needs a paid subscription to view, but if you are interested, I may be able to forward along.

If your weekend includes -30 C like mine does … Stay Warm!