Foreign Policy Blogs

Lieberman Backs Bibi, Coaltion Near Completion

Shimon Peres intends to stress the importance of a moderate unity government with Kadima Chairman Tzipi Livni and Likud Chairman Benyamin Netanyahu tomorrow. Netanyhu is slowly solidifying a coalition that now includes Yisrael Beiteinu Chairman Avigdor Lieberman, who backed Likud yesterday. Due to this rightwing partnership,  Kadima has virtually no viable coalition partners, leaving Livni with the decision to either lead the opposition or join a Likud-led government. She has sought to share the premiership with Netanyahu by rotating responsibilities; however, Likud flatly rejected that proposal.

The Israeli government released a statement delineating its policy towards the return of abducted IDF soldier Gilad Shalit prior to any peace deal with Hamas. The government would exchange approximately 1000 Palestinian prisoners, including, potentially, Marwan Barghouti. Meanwhile, the Israeli government opened two Gaza border crossings this morning, permitting the entry of aid trucks and private sector support vehicles, which included the delivery of natural gas. However, the government left one border crossing shuttered and intends on closing the open crossings next Sunday and Friday.

The Washington Post and Newsweek initiated a talk-back debate on the existential nature of an Israeli state. The discussion focuses on the level of enfranchisement of the Arab population.



Ben Moscovitch

Ben Moscovitch is a Washington D.C.-based political reporter and has covered Congress, homeland security, and health care. He completed an intensive two-year Master's in Middle Eastern History program at Tel Aviv University, where he wrote his thesis on the roots of Palestinian democratic reforms. Ben graduated from Georgetown University with a BA in English Literature. He currently resides in Washington, D.C. Twitter follow: @benmoscovitch

Areas of Focus:
Middle East; Israel-Palestine; Politics
