Foreign Policy Blogs

Mr. Petraus goes to Tashkent

Now that Manas was officially ordered to be closed this past Friday, the US has 6 months to close up shop. On Tuesday, General Petraus visited Tashkent to discuss alternative supply routes. As you likely know, in 2005 the US base in Uzbekistan was closed after Uzbek authorities machine gunned 500 people in Andijon and the US complained about it. It does not seem that the US is trying to regain use of the base, but rather gain greater cooperation on other matters. For example, the US is already allowed to have its soldiers pass through the German base.

I support greater engagement with all of the Central Asian countries. As Nathan over at notes, perhaps this is the time for the US to finally put together a coherent policy of engagement with the countries of Central Asia, as opposed to the melange of ad hoc policies towards each country. This is much easier said than done, however, as politics there are extremely murky and the situation on the ground changes often. Overall, the US needs to greatly increase its area expertise and figure out what it needs to do in a more systematic fashion.



Elina Galperin

Elina Galperin was born in Minsk, Belarus and grew up in Brooklyn, NY. After graduating from Stuyvesant High School in 2004, she attended the University of Massachusetts at Amherst where she majored in History and Russian Studies. After finishing her senior thesis on the politics of education among the Kazakhs in the late Imperial period, she graduated in February 2008. In September 2010, she received a Masters of Arts Degree in History, having passed qualifying exams on the Russian and Ottoman empires in the 18th and 19th centuries. In Fall 2011, she advanced to doctoral candidacy, having passed exams in four fields: Russian Empire, Ottoman Empire, Soviet Union, Mongol Empire, focusing on administrative practices and empire-building.
