Foreign Policy Blogs

Thomas E. Ricks on Military Power at CUNY

Coming Soon: Military Power at CUNY

by Genevieve Long

For students and observers of up-close foreign affairs analysis on Tuesday, March 10, the City University of New York (CUNY) will host a free evening event at one of their Great Issues Forums. Entitled, Military Power, the event will feature Alex de Waal, program director of the Social Science Research Council, General Barry McCaffrey, four-star general of the United States Army (retired), and Thomas Ricks, Special Military Correspondent for The Washington Post. Thomas Weiss, Presidential Professor of Political Science at The Graduate Center will moderate the event.


A couple of questions the forum will pose include: Does military intervention work? What is the role of non-military and multi-national groups in regime change and peace-keeping efforts?


Thomas Ricks’ presence will add an extra note to the event, as he has just published a new book, “The Gamble” about U.S. General David Petraeus and America’s war in Iraq. Ricks is also author of “Fiasco”, a #1 New York Times bestseller about the political dialogue on the war in Iraq.

Ricks is a veteran journalist and his books are based on hours of interviews with military officers and on the ground reporting in Iraq.

Military Power
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
7:00 pm, Proshansky Auditorium

The Graduate Center, CUNY
365 Fifth Avenue at 34th Street
New York, NY 10016



Genevieve Belmaker

Genevieve Belmaker is a freelance journalist and contributing editor with The Epoch Times ( She also contributes to Quill, the magazine of the Society of Professional Journalists and Her blog on journalism is

Genevieve has traveled throughout the U.S., Asia, Central America, Israel and the West Bank for reporting assignments, including major investigative reports on the recovery of New Orleans, the encroaching presence of China in Costa Rica and Nicaragua, the dangerous import of melamine-contaminated milk into the U.S. and settlement outposts in the West Bank. She regularly reports on issues related to journalism, and the work of journalists.

She holds a BA from the University of Southern California in International Relations, and has been a member of several prominent national and international professional media organizations, including the Society of Professional Journalists, Investigative Reporters and Editors, the International Women’s Media Foundation, the New York Press Club, and the Newswomen’s Club of New York. She lives in Jerusalem, Israel with her husband and son.

Areas of Focus:
New Media; Journalism; Culture and Society