Foreign Policy Blogs

UN Report Predicts Fall in Global Cereal Production

The United Nation’s Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) released its Crop Prospects and Food Situation report on February 12th with some sobering findings.  The report cites the presence of acute food shortages in 32 countries around the world and predicts a potentially disastrous fall in global cereal production.

This UN News Centre press release highlights the report’s concerns  and outlines how various causal factors are leading to food security issues in individual countries and whole regions of the world, including Eastern and Southern Africa, Asia, and Latin America.

What are your reactions to the FAO’s Crop Prospects and Food Situation report?  Share your ideas and questions below.


Do you have a question about food security you would like to hear addressed at the Town Hall?  Click on the “Town Hall Questions” link to the right to submit a question and learn about this special event.  Posted questions may be presented to the panelists at the Town Hall on April 4th.