Foreign Policy Blogs

A whirlwind trip through the history of U.S.-Cuban relations

We are prisoners of history. Or are we?
-Robert Penn Warren, Segregation

The U.S.-Cuba relationship is openly characterized by distrust, contradictions and mutual recriminations, but the wounds are deep and the important issues are more complicated than simple judgments based on limited knowledge of current events. The Cuban-American community had reasons, and still has reasons, for supporting the embargo, despite its apparent failure. The Cuban regime had and has its own motivations for calling the United States imperialist and domineering, and for engaging in seemingly paranoid counter-tactics.

In light of this, a history lesson is in order. Perhaps the best quick and descriptive timeline to this end is in this December 2008 BBC story.

The most recent event on the timeline should be of particular interest in terms of current U.S. concerns, which Secretary of State Hillary Clinton claims are human rights-based:

18 December 2008: Raul Castro says he is ready to consider releasing some political prisoners as a “gesture” with the US. But he calls for the US to free the Cuban Five – five men who were convicted in Miami in 2001 of spying.


Credit: Radio Free Cuba
Credit: Radio Free Cuba


Melissa Lockhart Fortner

Melissa Lockhart Fortner is Senior External Affairs Officer at the Pacific Council on International Policy in Los Angeles, having served previously as Senior Programs Officer for the Council. From 2007-2009, she held a research position at the University of Southern California (USC) School of International Relations, where she closely followed economic and political developments in Mexico and in Cuba, and analyzed broader Latin American trends. Her research considered the rise and relative successes of Latin American multinationals (multilatinas); economic, social and political changes in Central America since the civil wars in the region; and Wal-Mart’s role in Latin America, among other topics. Melissa is a graduate of Pomona College, and currently resides in Pasadena, California, with her husband, Jeff Fortner.

Follow her on Twitter @LockhartFortner.