Foreign Policy Blogs

Pistachio recall in U.S. recalls food safety concerns

Pistachio recall in U.S. recalls food safety concerns

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) announced that Setton Farms of California, which grows pistachio nuts for Kraft Foods, Inc.,  has announced a recall of its crop from the previous year after finding salmonella contamination in tested batches.  There have been reported cases of illness related to the contamination which are being investigated.  However, the combination of the recall and the investigation are considered “ahead of the curve” compared with the peanut contamination recall from a few months ago.

Kraft Foods has a press release on their website about the recall of its products containing pistachios.  For more overall information about the recall and the dangers of salmonella contamination, read the FDA’s website.

Although the two recent incidents of salmonella contamination are unrelated, it does raise important questions.  How was the pistachio contamination handled compared to the peanut contamination?  Did the producers of the contaminated products respond properly?  Is the U.S. government taking the necessary steps to inform people of this latest incident?