Foreign Policy Blogs

Artist's show becomes rare forum for protest

Cuban artist Tania Bruguera, a resident of Havana, set up a podium and microphone as the backdrop to her performance art show on Sunday at the 10th Havana Biennial, a prestigious international festival. Volunteers from the audience were invited to speak for no more than one minute each, and during each speech actors dressed in fatigues would place a white dove on the shoulder on the speaker, a reference—presumably in mockery—to the Jan. 8, 1959, victory speech by Fidel Castro during which a white dove landed on his shoulder (viewed by many in that instance as a sign of divine recognition).

Watch the full performance:

The opportunity to speak became a forum for those present to protest the lack of freedom and expression on the island. And the reaction has been swift: the Cuban government on Tuesday called participants “dissidents” and “individuals at the service of the propagandistic anti-Cuban machinery.”

This sort of expression remains extremely rare in Cuba, a point made by several of the participants in the show. The further reaction of the Cuban regime will likely affect prospects for similar opportunities in the future.



Melissa Lockhart Fortner

Melissa Lockhart Fortner is Senior External Affairs Officer at the Pacific Council on International Policy in Los Angeles, having served previously as Senior Programs Officer for the Council. From 2007-2009, she held a research position at the University of Southern California (USC) School of International Relations, where she closely followed economic and political developments in Mexico and in Cuba, and analyzed broader Latin American trends. Her research considered the rise and relative successes of Latin American multinationals (multilatinas); economic, social and political changes in Central America since the civil wars in the region; and Wal-Mart’s role in Latin America, among other topics. Melissa is a graduate of Pomona College, and currently resides in Pasadena, California, with her husband, Jeff Fortner.

Follow her on Twitter @LockhartFortner.